SPD4459 品味·人生 "葡萄"盛宴

It's time for our daily blog post again. Have you planned for your weekends? Have you ever thought of spending your relaxing holiday worthwhile in such a quality time? I suggest you to read my Saturday's favorite before deciding who would be your accompany in this weekend.
Each year, lots of Hong Kongers are willing to spend a lot on travelling, not just to relax their mind and soul, also explore the cultural background among countries.If it is talking about the most phenomenal enjoyment, we should probably include the fascinating thing in worldwide- Grape Wines. However, in order to classify theirs tastes, fruity flavor and manufacturing factories, time and capital must be the important factors to consider with.〔spd4459 entertainment- internet marketing and public relations〕

In the Saturday's favorite, we shall introduce you an event which has already opened up in yesterday(25th Sept) called "Pieroth Autumn Wine Festival 2014" in offering us an unique chance to taste international wines and sparkling wines with high quality including Germany, Bordeaux, Hungary etc. for all wine-lovers! Apart from that, there will be some professional who can teach you on identifying those up-to-quality wines, , most surprisingly, assisting you to choose your own favorite effortlessly, so that you can share with your friends. 〔spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations〕

相信有左今次既經驗,就唔使再要去哂咁多個酒莊逐次逐次試,先搵到岩自己口味既葡萄酒,亦可以好輕易地追求對品味人生既享受。最重要既當然係要知道入場費全免! 難得一次既機會,你萬勿錯過! !
With this exciting experience, I think you no longer need to visit a lot to find out your soul mate- Perfect wine in life, also brings a relaxing Saturday evening to enjoy your moment in life. Remember it requires nothing and certainly it is Free of Charge. Grab this, you will see.
活動詳情 :
日期:9月26日 至 10月5日 (星期五至日) (連續十天)
時間:中午12時 至 晚上9 時
Event Detail:
Pieroth Autumn Wine Festival 2014
Event Detail:
Pieroth Autumn Wine Festival 2014
Date: Sept 26 to Oct 5 (Fri to Sun) (Total 10 Days)
Time: 12 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Venue: Basement, Fashion World, Wonderful Worlds of Whampoa,
Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Kowloon
Wish to know more, please visit.
SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong