相信各位八十、九十後一定記得呢套家傳互曉既卡通-「寵物小精靈」,陪伴住我地童年既日子,帶來左好多歡樂既時候。今年聖誕,全球最大既13米巨型「比卡超」立體飛船會於11月9日至2015年1月4日降落尖沙咀The ONE商場,仲有超過700隻小精靈現身商場與觀眾互動,你又點可以錯過呢?!
It's time to reveal the answer!
This time E-buddies want to recommend......Maybe you already know that the cartoon character-Pikachu is coming to HK having a Christmas event with us!! (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
It's time to reveal the answer!
This time E-buddies want to recommend......Maybe you already know that the cartoon character-Pikachu is coming to HK having a Christmas event with us!! (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
E-buddies believe that all post-80s/post-90s generation have seen this cartoon-Pocket Monsters before and think this cartoon has brought a lot of happy time for us. In this coming Christmas holiday, the largest 13 meter 「Pikachu stereoscopic airship」in the world will be coming to The ONE shopping centre (Tsim Sha Tsui) during 09/11/14 to 04/01/15 and there are over 700 Pokémon species to be with audience, how dare you to miss this event?! (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
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The ONE x 寵物小精靈「聖誕夢想飛行」裝置藝術 (模擬圖片)
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「比卡超」主題機艙 (模擬圖片) |
「比卡超」主題機艙 帶領觀眾穿梭歷年珍藏品
原來今次展覽中既駕駛機艙係以「寵物小精靈」動畫內既場景設計而成,立體「比卡超」會變成有型機師向各位訪客打招呼「Pika、Pika」,咁可愛得意既「比卡超」,絕對值得一家大細去THE ONE好好慶祝Christmas!!
In fact, the design of the backdrop (like the cabin of a plane) of this exhibition is came from the scenes of the cartoon, the three-dimensional Pikachu will become a handsome pilot and say 「Pika、Pika」 in order to greet everyone. You should bring your family to THE ONE in order to see this cute Pikachu in this Christmas holiday. (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
This stereoscopic airship has a propeller that is located on the top of this airship and it will be moved constantly in order to make everyone think that it can fly in the sky. Inside of this airship you can see and take photos over 700 Pokémon species from previous Pokémon cartoon including Charmander, Meowth, Eevee and Pichu. Pokémon fans can also enjoy some Pokémon collections which is came from Japan, it can make everyone to recall our childhood's happy memories. (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
5隻聖誕版立體「比卡超」 |
5隻「比卡超」 來港與大家表演及作親身接觸
Moreover, there are 5 Christmas-themed stereoscopic Pokémon and other Pokémon species will be coming to HK in order to perform a newly cartoon song of Pokémon X & Pokémon Y and have interaction (hug with audience) with Pokémon fans.
除左有唔同既小精靈俾大家參觀外,大會加設了「寵物小精靈」NDS遊戲專區,大家可以率先試玩最新3D遊戲「Pokémon Omega Ruby」及「Pokémon Alpha Sapphire」,從新拾起對「寵物小精靈」既喜愛!
Apart from the Pokémon exhibition, the host organization also will hold a NDS gaming area to let audience playing the newly 3D games-「Pokémon Omega Ruby」and「Pokémon Alpha Sapphire」in order to pick up the awareness of Pokémon. (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
Apart from the Pokémon exhibition, the host organization also will hold a NDS gaming area to let audience playing the newly 3D games-「Pokémon Omega Ruby」and「Pokémon Alpha Sapphire」in order to pick up the awareness of Pokémon. (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
粉絲們可以參觀一下同場既限定精品店,全部都是日本行貨精品,包括「寵物小精靈」毛公仔、Figure公仔、桌上遊戲及套裝遊戲等;粉絲們更可以喺The ONE以獨家優惠價HK$199搶購The ONE期間限定的「寵物小精靈熱闘數碼套裝」(原價HK$299);於精品店消費滿指定金額更可以享有The ONE尊屬優惠免費換領「寵物小精靈」指定禮品。
顧客於指定推廣日期在The ONE任何商戶以電子貨幣消費滿指定金額或憑The ONE Card 指定積分,即可免費換領印有「Keep Smile and Say Pika」之「比卡超開心能量地氈」或「比卡超笑呵呵攬枕」期間限定禮品,,絕對不可錯過!!
Pokémon fans can also visit the Pokémon Gift shop as all products are came from including Pokémon toy, figures, online games, etc. Pokémon fans can also have a special discount price (HK$199) in purchasing the 「寵物小精靈熱闘數碼套裝」(original price HK$299). Moreover, customers who purchase to a particular price in the gift shop can also have a gift from The ONE.
Also, customers can purchase products from The ONE for a fixed amount of electronic money in order to have a carpet or a cusion which are printed a phrase「Keep Smile and Say Pika」, you cannot miss this opportunity, of course!! (spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
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「比卡超笑呵呵攬枕」 |
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「比卡超開心能量地氈」 |
活動詳情 Information details:
日期 Date: | 2014年11月9日 - 2015年1月4日 |
地址 Address: | 尖沙咀The ONE商場 |
時間 Time: | 10am-10pm
日期:11 月16 日、30 日、12 月14 日、25 日及 28 日(逢星期日)
地點:The ONE UG2 中庭(「比卡超」舞動聯萌)、The ONE UG2 中庭及指定樓層(「比卡超」限定抱抱會)
日期:11 月23 日、12 月7 日、21 日、26 日及2015 年1 月1 日(逢星期日)
地點:The ONE UG2 露天廣場(「比卡超」舞動聯萌)、The ONE UG2 露天廣場及指定樓層(「比卡超」限定抱抱會)
時間:下午3 時及4 時(每場30 分鐘)
參加方法: 於活動當日下午 1 時在 The ONE UG2中庭或露天廣場免費索取由大會派發的「比卡超拍照證」,每日名額共 80 名(每場 40 名), 先到先得,派完即止。
「寵物小精靈」NDS 遊戲玩樂專區
日期: 11 月14 日至2015 年 1 月4 日(逢星期五、六、日及公眾假期)
時間:晚上7 時至10 時(逢星期五)、中午12 時至晚上9 時(逢星期六、日及公眾假期)
地點:The ONE UG2 中庭
資料來源 Information from:
U HK港生活
想了解我地更多,快d去關注我地 SPD4459 E-Buddies 嘅Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Want more details about us? Go and like our SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook fans page:https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Edited by Lok Mei Ting (SPD4459 E-Buddies)(spd4459 E-buddies- entertainment in yau tsim mong [internet marketing and public relations])
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
---SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment