2014年10月21日 星期二

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] Quest, 真人RPG !!! * By E-Buddies

Quest,真人RPG!!!!!!!!!  [E-buddies, spd4459 entertainment]

又到了e-buddies 為大家介紹油尖旺的entertainment~\(≧▽≦)/~啦。
Hello,everyone, it's time for E-buddies to introduce the exciting entertainment for you, so exciting~\(≧▽≦)/~

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)
oh,my god, what's going on!!!why the lady lie on the floor?

Don't worry, this is the RPG game we playing last month in Tsim Sha Tsui.
E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

the photo above is us- E-buddies, be patient, there is another one in the bottom.

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

遊戲名稱:監證緝兇。 Game name: Body of lies.
黑幫頭目的女兒在一間酒吧被殺。 頭目震怒,誓要執行私刑。在黑幫的威逼下,案發當日的所有疑兇都被帶往血跡斑駁的案發現場....遊戲開始了。
The gang leader's daughter was killed in a bar. the gang leader is very angry and want to punish the murderer by himself. Under the force of the gang, every one who was in the bar at that night was brought to the bar again.. now, game starts! [spd4459, entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

血清檢驗 blood test.

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)
案發現場the scene of crime

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)
相關道具 props

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

Sources from: http://www.thequest.hk/

Quest 真人RPG 係一個故事主題的RPG遊戲,每名玩家都將扮演一個角色.除咗呢個game,仲有其他game架。例如下面呢兩個game.
Quest RPG are the story themed RPG games,every player will play a role in the game. Besides this game, there are also another games you can play.like the games below.[spd4459, entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)
source from: http://www.thequest.hk/

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)
外面的環境 the outside environment.

為大家補多一張我地E-buddies既照片。this is E-buddies.  Spd4459 entertainment.
E-buddies, Spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

        (港鐵佐敦站D出口 / 尖沙咀站B1出口)
電話:2372 0330

Address: 12th Floor, 180 Nathan Road, Baohua Commercial Building 
         (Jordan MTR Station Exit D / Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit B1) 
Phone: 23720330 
Email: info@thequest.hk 
Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 12:00 to 0:00

想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong
Want more know us in detail? Go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

[spd4459, entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

Edited by John, Lin Ruonan (SPD4459 E-Buddies)[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
SPD4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong
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