2014年10月11日 星期六

SPD4459 [Entertainment in yau tsim mong]「十日.一同.社會創新」十日節 (下集) * By E-Buddies

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尋日已經開始左既活動,帶出左"社會創新" 依個ideas,除左有好多來自世界各地既藝術家同 學者專家外,唔少得就係互動工作坊。
Have you clicked into the "10Day Fest" website to seek for more detail after reading our blog post on last Saturday? The event has opened for public since yesterday, apart from the "Social Innovation" ideas brought into town, lots of artists and experts from all over the World has already visited the Hong Kong PolyU Innovation Tower to share their effort in their professional areas through interactive workshops. (spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

作為一個活躍既SPD4459 Internet marketing & Public relations既學生, 見到有關[Entertainment]既活動,亦有咁多創新既思維衝撃,E-Buddies又點會淨係識得紙上談兵?所以我將會係黎緊既星期日去行下,希望到時會見到你啦。
As being an active student from SPD4459 Internet marketing & Public relations,  how could I stand out for such an entertaining events with many modern ideas break through on individual's mind-set? E-Buddies could not wait further but visiting the most exciting activity when it comes to this Sunday, I wish I can also see you at that time. Say Hi to me when you are there!

Let me show you some highlights on yesterday's event. (spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

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Fly to the Sky Exhibition

<十日節預演: 盛食當灶>
理大校長唐偉章教授有份參與<十日節預演: 盛食當灶>,睇佢準備充足咁,應該都煮得一道美味嘅菜式既!

<Festival Vernissage: Social Gastronomy> 
Look! Guess Prof. Timothy W. Tong, president of PolyU was there yesterday! Look how well-prepare he was, I beg he has cooked a delicious meal. 

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現場set左一個performance stage俾大家一展身手。無論你係鐘意夾Band定唱K,都可以上去玩下。喺理大附近嘅朋友可以walk in入黎創新樓平台一齊玩咖。

Performance stage encourage people who have passion on Singing or Playing Bands. You will have an enjoyable afternoon. 
Festival Reception is happening ! For all of you around, feel free to join us in Podium level.

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Besides those professional chefs and honourable chefs cooking for us, there are also street hawkers providing Hong Kong style snacks here! YumYum!! (spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

Now is time for E-Buddies to introduce you 3 more activities that worthwhile for your leisure time.

1) 十日‧工作坊|智樂工作坊系列 : 最好玩的家 - 親子遊戲工作坊
Playright Workshop Series : Creating Your Playful Playspace - Family Play Workshop
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小朋友的樂趣是否一定和物質掛釣? 還是簡簡單單的幾塊布、一疊紙,再配以適合的環境,就足以啓發小宇宙,由家長與孩子一起發揮想像力,激發玩的本能,說不定一個最快樂最滿足的下午就輕易而舉產生了。智樂兒童遊樂協會的薯仔爸爸,將會分享如何透過個人創意,運用家中的簡單素材,營造好玩的遊戲角落。

Who would make a definition of the joyful of a child must be related to a material achievement? Or for simply saying, some piece of paper with a relaxing atmosphere are easy enough to stimulate your own universe, in the meanwhile joining parents together to create an imaging world would absolutely be another happiness and joyful afternoon.
Workshop Leader: Potato Yu
Potato Yu is a trainer of Playright Children’s Play Association. Over 11 years’ experience in advocating children’s play and play provision in community. He is also a playful parent.

Details: http://www.10dayfest.hk/index.php?p=eventdetail&id=66
(spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

Monday, 12 October 2014 from 10:00 to 12:00

創新樓JCIT, PolyU (12樓 12/F) V1213 及 V1215

2) 十日‧放映社 : 直送堆填 | Meaningful Cinema : Taste the Waste
(Directed by Valentin Thurn | 2010, 92 mins, German with Chinese & English subtitles)
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In EU, data was shown European households throw away 100 billion Euros worth of food each year, on the way from the farm to the final dish, there were more than half the food lands on the dump. This film seek for explanations : from supermarket staff, bakers, wholesale market inspectors, farmers and EU bureaucrats.  (spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

登記留座請到/ Reserveation:http://10dayfest-cinema-taste.eventbrite.hk/

 Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation

Monday, 13 October 2014 from 19:30 to 22:00

3) [十日‧工作坊|香港創客嘉年華 Hong Kong Mini Maker Faire]
spd4459 entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong (internet marketing and public relations

創客嘉年華(Maker Faire)實作坊是一個集中地由科技發燒友、手工愛好者、科學迷、藝術家、學生和展覽商所組成。由發明、設計和創造開始,一一說明了有趣的概念並可作教學、社會和啟發他人的嘉年華。
Maker Faire is a gathering of tech enthusiasts, hobbyists, science buffs, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors all together start from invention, designing state, creation, or build objects in order to explain how interesting it is to create from zero into a meaningful piece. With the goal of learning, teaching, making a difference, the workshop is a excellent place to,inspire others.

賽馬會創新樓十三樓 創新智庫/ Innovation Think Tank 13/F, JCIT

Monday, 18-19 October 2014 from 10:00 to 1700

E-Buddies have a friendly reminder for you. Remember to click into the website, there are still lots of activities will be held in different time slot. Don't miss any of these, or else you need to wait a year until they organize this entertaining activity again. (spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

活動詳情 :

日期:1010  1019 (星期五至日) (連續十天)
地點:香港理工大學 賽馬會創新樓

Event Detail:

Date: Oct 10 to Oct 19 (Fri to Sun) (Total 10 Days)
Venue: Jockey Club Innovation Tower,
          Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Wish to know more, please visit.

想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 的facebook:
Want more detail? go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong


SPD4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations

District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong
