2014年10月15日 星期三

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] COCKTAIL WORKSHOP---- BE FUN!!!~* By E-Buddies

又係我LA!!!! 今日又係E-buddies為大家推介油尖旺一啲又好玩又新奇既地方LA!~~~~

Today is Wednesday, it's time for me----- E-buddies to suggest you guys to have enjoyment in Yau Tsim Mong District. [Spd4459, E-buddies entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

唔知咁多位鐘意去尖沙咀或者旺角蒲吧既巴絲們有冇留意到,每間BAR 都會有一兩個又型又正既BAR TENTER為一聚美女們調配一杯又一杯既COCKTAIL~~~~睇到D咁型既場面,係咪都好想有一杯屬於自己"Sex on the beach"呢? 今次既介紹,相信我地E-buddies 可以幫到你!!!!=)

FOR who likes hitting bars in Tsim Sha Tsui or Mong Kok, there are always some handsome and charming bar tenders helping you to make a cocktail... Every time I seeing this, I wish I can make a cocktail for my own..... Hope this suggestion in Mong Kok can help you!!!!=)

位於大角咀既FLAIR IRON有一個三個鐘頭既花式調酒課程,難以置信的強勁,內容也非常豐富。擁有全新編製的課程內容,Flair Iron花式調酒課程內,每個動作都深入淺出,令你輕易咁學到最佳既技巧動作。包羅萬有的花式技巧,一切來自世界花式調酒常規技巧,仲可開創自己的獨特STYLE架~~~~

In Tai Kok Tsiu, there is a place called FLAIR IRON, which provide a 3 hour flair-tending course for guys who are interested in. In the genius Iron flair courses , each action in simple terms , allows you to easily learn the best tricks action. Inclusive of fancy tricks , all conventional techniques from the world of fancy cocktails, let you easy to create your own personal style.[Spd4459, E-buddies entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

Spd4459, E-buddies entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)

Spd4459, E-buddies entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)
See! Students are listening the lesson attentively@@

Wanna know where it is??

想了解我地更多,快d去關注我地 SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

Want more details about us? Go and like our SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook fans pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

Edited by Steven (SPD4459 E-Buddies) 

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment / E-Buddies
