2014年10月31日 星期五

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 萬聖節狂歡 Happy Halloween * By E-Buddies

今日除左係Happy Friday,仲係Happy Halloween
SPD4459 E-Buddies祝大家萬聖節快樂!^_^
各位有無同朋友仔玩trick or treat應下節呢? 
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
但係自問大膽嘅人唔係咁多,而SPD4459 E-Buddies就想推薦一個大人細路都啱玩嘅應節節目!
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
日期:1031 5pm - 8pm

參加資格顧客於萬聖節當天 (1031) LCX場內任何消費,出示有效發票正本即可享以下服務。

1) VDL Cosmetic專櫃享受免費萬聖節眼部/唇部化妝乙次。(5-10分鐘)

2) 免費「即影即有」拍照服務一次。送完即止。

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
想知道更多活動資料?Want more event details?

***唔知大家有無發現我地SPD4459 E-Buddies嘅blog上面多左個經典食鬼game呢?hehehe
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)


(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
想了解我地更多,快d去關注我地 SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong 
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Want more details about us? Go and like our SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook fans pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong 
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

Edited by Yvonne Li (SPD4459 E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment

2014年10月30日 星期四

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 第十一屆香港亞洲電影節 (Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2014)* By E-Buddies


Hello, E-buddies updates new entertainment again!!
Halloween is coming soon, we will introduce different Halloween's activities for you guys, please follow our blog for more excellent things, thanks!! (SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations/Yau Tsim Mong District/Entertainment/E-Buddies)

我地E-buddies冇理由日日都講Halloween既活動既,香港油尖旺區其實仲有大把娛樂節目。今日就為大家推介第十一屆香港亞洲電影節 (Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2014)啦。

Other than Halloween's activities in these days, there are many other fabulous entertainments exist in Yau Tsim Mong areas. This time, we would like to recommend this Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2014(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations/Yau Tsim Mong District/Entertainment/E-Buddies)

SPD4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (Internet Marketing and Public Relations by E-Buddies)
第十一屆香港亞洲電影節 (Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2014)
第十一屆香港亞洲電影節宣傳短片(The trailer of Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2014):

資料來源Information from: Broadway Cinematheque



Why this Hong Kong Asian Film Festival is so successful? As always someone said that watching movies can be addicted, movies can bring audience to discover the world and no need to walk through the world. (SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations/Yau Tsim Mong District/Entertainment/E-Buddies)

Let's get back to this film festival, there are many films coming from local, Taiwan, Japan and even Israel......We are strongly recommend you a film-Dearest which is filmed by Peter Ho-Sun Chan, and this is a real story that talked about a village mother found her lost son which brings the kidnapping issues in China. Please note that the village mother is acted by Zhao Wei and her acting was excellent that audience should not be missed. (SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations/Yau Tsim Mong District/Entertainment/E-Buddies)

《親愛的》宣傳短片 The trailer of Dearest:

資料來源Information from:Official Neo Film Distribution

同埸加映Something special:


Apart from the various Asian movies in this film festival, the host organization wants to explore more opportunity for communication between audience and directors, thus they will hold 7 seminars or discussion section for understanding more underlying stories behind each film. (Please go to the official website of Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2014 for more details.)
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations/Yau Tsim Mong District/Entertainment/E-Buddies)

購票需知Ticketing Information:
SPD4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (Internet Marketing and Public Relations by E-Buddies)
SPD4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (Internet Marketing and Public Relations by E-Buddies)

SPD4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (Internet Marketing and Public Relations by E-Buddies)
SPD4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (Internet Marketing and Public Relations by E-Buddies)

可以點去Where are the event's location??

資料來源Information from:
香港亞洲電影節 2014
UHK 港生活

想了解我地更多,快d去關注我地 SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong 
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Want more details about us? Go and like our SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook fans pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong 
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

Edited by Lok Mei Ting (SPD4459 E-Buddies)


(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment

2014年10月29日 星期三

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 『尋找Ukulele的故事』 *By E-Buddies

End of month is coming... We, E-buddies is now going to suggest you a special and popular activity rather than high valued consumption activity.

Most people may think that playing guitar is romantic... but NOW, there is a competitor of it, UKULELE, which means freedom of happiness.



今次我地E-buddies係油尖旺區又搵到一個特別既地方--“走馬燈” 既係展覽館、音樂會場、放映室、工作坊,由10月18號至11月5號有一個 《Ukulele快樂手作展》,40把由本土創作人設計既Ukulele展出,與愛Ukulele又愛手作的人一齊分享創作人的作品。 而且每日4點半Ukulele表演,邊聽邊看,多麼寫意!(好過睇四點鐘許SIR@@)重點係。。。。。免費架!!!
We are now introducing a funny place in Yau Tsim Mong District, " Running Horse Lantern", multi-place of a exhibition, music place,  display room and workshop. 
There is an event holding from 18 Oct - 5 Nov. 
At 4:30 everyday, there is a ukulele show~~~  
What a relaxing experience!!?? 

Wanna See?? Look at the following pic~~~


For more??? Go to the address we give you!!!
香港太子道西204號 2樓 

想了解我們更多,快D去關注我地 E-buddies SPD4459 facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong
Wanna know more about us in detail? Go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations]

Edited by Steven Hsu (SPD4459 E-Buddies)
SPD4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / Yau Tsim Mong

2014年10月28日 星期二

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 衝出大海-張保仔 aqualuna. * By E-Buddies


source from: http://www.lifestylecode.com/articles-048.htm

請注意,一艘小紅船正從尖沙咀附近駛過。 唔知大家有冇印象,每次去尖沙咀,星光大道附近,都會有一艘特別的小船。沒錯了,今天我們E-buddies 介紹的entertainment就係呢艘小船了。
Look, there is a small red ship on the sea. Maybe, you will have some image about the ship, it is very special. So, Today, we E-buddies will introduce the new entertainment in the ship.

source from: http://kingstonchoi.pixnet.net/blog/post/51338274-%E3%80%90-%E5%B0%96%E6%B2%99%E5%92%802-%E3%80%91%E7%B5%95%E7%BE%8E%E7%9A%84%E6%99%9A%E4%B8%8A-(%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E7%89%88)

呢艘帆船的名字叫張保仔,係由頂級時尚餐廳Aqua Restaurant Group設計及經營的,而張保仔呢個名則是上個世紀初以長洲為基地的著名海盜的名字命名。
This ship is called aqualuna, and it is designed and operated by the top fashionable restaurant Aqua Restaurant Group. And the Chinese name of the ship actually is one pirate's name of last century.

have a look about the view on the ship.
source from: http://iyong.pixnet.net/blog/post/29673407

source from: http://www.tripadvisor.com.tw/Attraction_Review-g294217-d2039777-Reviews-Aqua_Luna-Hong_Kong.html#photos

source from:http://www.tripadvisor.com.tw/Attraction_Review-g294217-d2039777-Reviews-Aqua_Luna-Hong_Kong.html#photos

美麗的黃昏,美麗的日落,E-buddies今日又要同大家說byebye了, 希望大家繼續留意我們的blog,明日見。

It's must be romantic if you take your girl/boy friend together.
It's time to say goodbye today, hope you keep attention on our blog. Thank you and see you tommorrow.

時間:1.30pm - 11.30pm
查詢電話:2116 8221

day time:   $150 per person
night time: $180 per person
time: 1.30pm - 11.30pm
Phone: 2116 8221


想了解我地更多,快d去關注我地 SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook專頁:
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Want more details about us? Go and like our SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook fans page

Edited by John, Lin Ruonan (SPD4459 E-Buddies)[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment

2014年10月27日 星期一

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 吃喝玩樂一站式 之 特色Cafe * By E-Buddies

香港人成日話︰「一出到街就又迫又多人,所有舖頭又一式一樣,一D特色都無,所以話,如果想約班朋友/情人/家人閒時一齊去分鬆下,搵個地方都難呀!」嗱嗱嗱~你咁諗就錯啦! 今日SPD4459 E-Buddies就有好介紹啦! 就係油尖旺入區既Cafe,唔係普通既,係可以好好滿足你「吃喝玩樂一站式」 既 特色Cafe,聽到都心動呢^_^?好啦!就由近到遠去介紹啦!

I often hear people in Hong Kong said, 'Every time they go out, the streets are a lot of people, but there is no characteristic shops, it is difficult to find a place with family or friends or lover place to relax and entertainment. Today, SPD4459 E-Buddies have a good entertainment's special cafe shop suggestion in Yau/Tsim/Mong district to all of you^_^! Let's Start!

第一站 First Station

Full of special and atmosphere's cafe, do you know what shop is it^_^?

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
就係.... The answer is.......
牧羊少年咖啡.茶.酒館  旅遊主題咖啡室 
The Alchemist Cafe Bistro - Travel theme

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
呢一間 Cafe shop 係以旅遊為主題,所以入面會有好多唔既同旅遊書,同埋間唔中會舉辦旅行講座等活動,所以如果你諗全黎緊去旅行,又諗唔到去邊好,就岩哂你啦^_^!This Cafe shop the theme is travel therefore have a lot of travel book in shop and organizing  some travel seminars to customer. That is very fresh concept in my mind, I highly recommend to you if you want to travel and without any ideas^_^!


地點 Location︰太子白楊街27-29號嘉安大廈地下1號舖                                  
                                              Shop 1, 27-29 Poplar Street, Prince Edward, Ka On Building

營業時間 Operation Time: 星期一至五 Mon to Fri : 11:30-02:00 /
星期六、日及公眾假期   Weekend and public holiday : 11:00-02:00
電話 Phone No. :  2779 0559


唔識去?Google Map 幫到你^_^
You Don't Know how to go? Google Map can help You^_^,heheheh!

第二站 2nd Station
哇!複式既設計,有又後花園既,係邊間Cafe呢? 心心眼呀^_^!
Wow,Penthouse design and have a garden, really really really great!!! You take a guess what shop is it^_^?

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

就係 ..... The Cafe is.....
呼吸咖啡 - 旺角後花園  Full Cup Cafe -  Mong Kong Garden

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
呢間Cafe主要想打造「從呼吸懷舊,到呼吸音樂,再到呼吸雜誌,宣揚生活態度」,命有LIVE Brand,正呀! 話個秘密俾你聽,呢間Cafe有成4層嫁!!!!! 不得了!!!!!!

This Cafe shop is want to create ' Breathing to nostalgia , Breathing to music, Breathing to magazine for promote life attitude. Also have a LIVE Brand, so great! And tell you a secret :-P, This cafe shop have a 4/F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooooo Cool!!!


地點 Location: 旺角登打士街36號恆威商業中心3-7樓
3-7 BSC floor business center, 36 Dundas Street, Mong Kok, 

營業時間 Operation Time: 星期一 至四 Mon to Thu: 15:00-02:00
                                                                          星期五 Fri: 15:00-04:00
                                                                          星期六及公眾假期 Sat and Public Holiday:: 13:00-04:00
                                                                          星期日Sun: 13:00-02:00

電話 Phone No. : 2771 7775
網址 Website: http://www.fullcupcafe.com.hk/

Openrice: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=12537

點去?話你聽啦! How to go?

第三站 Last Station

哈哈,我諗唔洗我講,你地都知道呢間係咩Cafe 啦!
I think you will know this cafe shop without any hints ^_^!

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
我諗你估岩啦^_^ 就係..... You guess right ?
Charlie Brown Cafe - 尖沙咀Snoopy粉絲朝聖點
[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

我諗唔洗我多介紹啦^_^!呢間Cafe 係以Snoopy為主題^_^,入面仲有相關精品出售,Snoopy
Fans 既你唔可以錯過啦^_^!
This cafe shop the theme is Snoopy^_^, if you a Snoopy fans is must go because have a lot of Snoopy product in there for sales ^_^ HeHe!


地點 Location: 尖沙咀金馬倫道58-60號國鈀大廈地下至1樓
UG-1/F, No. 58-60 palladium Cameron Road, State Building, Tsim Sha Tsui

營業時間 Operation Time: 星期日至四 Sun to Thu: 08:30-23:30 
                                                                            星期五至六Fri to Sat: 08:30-00:30

電話 Phone No. : 2366 6315/ 2366 6325

網址 Website: http://www.charliebrowncafe.com/

Openrice: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=16427

點去?話你聽啦! How to go?

話咁快就介紹完啦!係米仲係好想知更多特色既Cafe呢? 如果想既話就留底你既Comment話俾我知你下星期都知特色Cafe 資訊啦^_^可能有機會再介紹嫁!!!!
If you want know more special cafe shop in next Monday, just leave you comments^_^ Maybe will  write this topic again!^_^


想了解我地更多,快d去關注我地 SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook專頁:
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Want more details about us? Go and like our SPD4459 E-Buddies Facebook fans page
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

(SPD4459 E-Buddies)[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
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District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment