2014年10月20日 星期一

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 「開心寵物樂悠悠」寵物嘉年華 * By E-Buddies

又到星期一啦!又係時間介紹下油尖旺區又有D咩娛樂好玩啦!數數手指,Halloween唔夠兩星期就到啦!我相信大家係呢一個月都走圍去玩唔同既鬼屋,但除左鬼屋,仲有無野好玩呢?緊係有啦!今日SPD4459 E-Buddies 就有好介紹啦!大家係米心諗︰「唔係又係D鬼屋推介呀?又貴又唔抵玩!」 呵呵,緊係唔係啦,今日介紹呢個活動係免費嫁!!!!!!究竟係咩活動呢? 就係.......

Hey guys! Monday again, is time to recommend some entertainment in yau/tsim/mong district! Halloween is coming,   do you plan where are you go in that day? if isn't, keep following SPD4459 E-Buddies blog! This time SPD4459 E-Buddies want to suggest the entertainment entry fee is FREE!!!!!!!!! What is that?? Is..[spd4459, entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

[spd4459, entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations

寵物嘉年華,有寵物既你,又點可以錯過?地點又超方便,係香港中心點 - 旺角,當去完嘉年華肚仔有D餓,唔洗驚,旺角出名多野食,正!如果話,想順便買埋寵物用品,唔洗擔心,過隔離街,太子就有得買啦!係米好吸引呢? 

Is 'Happy Pets day', if you have pets, don't miss this entertainment! It is because the location is super convenience in Mong Kok; and when you feel hungry, no need worry due to  Mongkok is gourmet paradise; or if you want to buy some pets products at the same day, you can go to Princes Edward just near Mong Kong, very good!  (SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

究竟入面有咩玩嫁?好啦!就等我宜家話俾你知啦^_^! Let 's start to introduce 'Pets' Halloween night'!

咁係嘉年華場內會有好多唔同既愛寵團體設立攤位,推廣愛護動物既訊息。此外,香港賽馬會借出雪特蘭小馬俾公眾合照 (時間由下午12時至6時);除此以外,活動期間更有多項活動,如︰狗狗賽跑、寵物小食示範、裝扮大賽與不同講座

As in previous years, the venue will have a different pet organizations set up booths to promote the message of caring for the animals. The Hong Kong Jockey Club has also lent Shetland ponies pictured with the public (time from 12:00 to 6:00); addition, a number of activities during the event is more like dog racing, pet snacks demonstrations, dress competition with different lectures.(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies) 

活動詳情 Detail︰
日期 / Date︰2014/10/25
時間 / Time︰12:00pm - 06:00pm
地點 / Location︰旺角麥花臣球場 Mong Kok Macpherson Stadium注意 / Attention ︰入場犬隻需年滿5個月及已植入晶片  Admission only dogs aged five months&have been microchipped
網址 / Website︰http://now-events.net/hk/page/3342223
查詢 / Query ︰民建聯油尖旺支部
                    DAB Yau Tsim Mong branch 23889833 OR
                    香港寵物福利協會 - 張小姐
                     Miss Chang Hong Pet Welfare Association  90961137

點去?How to go?

想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong
Want more know us in detail? Go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

[spd4459, entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

SPD4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong
spd4459, spd4459, spd4459, spd4459, spd4459, entertainment,. happy,exciting,   tsim sha tsui, tsim sha tsui, mong kok,   yau tsim mong,
