SPD4459 又到星期五,It’s Gathering Time!
Yeah! It’s Friday again! Let’s plan your gathering and entertainment…
But do you feel that it is quite boring to watch movie, sing karaoke or just have a meal repeatedly?
嘿嘿,SPD4459 E-Buddies 搵到一個好地方,可以比大家包埸搞party、玩game、開大食會之餘,仲有依家好流行嘅Paint Jamming玩添!
SPD4459 E-Buddies just find a wonderful place that can let you hold a party, play games also play the recent popular Paint Jamming! (spd4459 entertainment, internet marketing and public relations)
Yeah! It’s Friday again! Let’s plan your gathering and entertainment…
But do you feel that it is quite boring to watch movie, sing karaoke or just have a meal repeatedly?
嘿嘿,SPD4459 E-Buddies 搵到一個好地方,可以比大家包埸搞party、玩game、開大食會之餘,仲有依家好流行嘅Paint Jamming玩添!
SPD4459 E-Buddies just find a wonderful place that can let you hold a party, play games also play the recent popular Paint Jamming! (spd4459 entertainment, internet marketing and public relations)

你可以選擇玩Paint Jamming,Blazer提供哂一切嘅畫畫設備,例如顏料、畫布框、圍裙、畫筆,等你可以盡情發揮藝術天份!
You can play the popular Paint Jamming. Blazer provides all basic painting tools, such as pigments, stretched canvas, apron and paintbrush. (spd4459 entertainment, internet marketing and public relations)

唔想畫畫?亦可以選擇同一大班friend玩game開大食會!無論係生日party、驚喜party定Farewell Party都可以搞!仲有免費設備使用,包括Boardgames、大電視、DVD機、HI-FI、飲水機、開放式廚房、免費wifi等等!
You can also choose to hold a party and play games with your friends! No matter what kind of party, you can hold it! Blazer provides you free equipments, such as boardgames, TV, DVD player, HI-FI, open kitchen, wifi, etc.

Remember to make an appointment before you go! Go go go~ (SPD4459 E-Buddies want to hold a party at there too... haha)
Address: 2A, 2/F, Yiu Kei Mansion, 108 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
地址:尖沙咀柯士甸道108號耀基大廈2樓2A (佐敦站D出口 步行3分鐘就到)
想知道更多資料?Want more details?
可以睇... You can see…
官方網站 Official Website:http://www.blazer.com.hk/
(Information from Blazer)
想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 的facebook:
Want more detail? go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong
Edited by Yvonne Li (SPD4459 by E-buddies)
SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment
2 則留言:
你好啊 如果想包場 大概要幾錢啊?同埋可以包幾耐?
Halo~ 你可以去返佢嘅官方網站睇架~ http://www.blazer.com.hk/
希望幫到你啦 :)