2014年10月27日 星期一

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 吃喝玩樂一站式 之 特色Cafe * By E-Buddies

香港人成日話︰「一出到街就又迫又多人,所有舖頭又一式一樣,一D特色都無,所以話,如果想約班朋友/情人/家人閒時一齊去分鬆下,搵個地方都難呀!」嗱嗱嗱~你咁諗就錯啦! 今日SPD4459 E-Buddies就有好介紹啦! 就係油尖旺入區既Cafe,唔係普通既,係可以好好滿足你「吃喝玩樂一站式」 既 特色Cafe,聽到都心動呢^_^?好啦!就由近到遠去介紹啦!

I often hear people in Hong Kong said, 'Every time they go out, the streets are a lot of people, but there is no characteristic shops, it is difficult to find a place with family or friends or lover place to relax and entertainment. Today, SPD4459 E-Buddies have a good entertainment's special cafe shop suggestion in Yau/Tsim/Mong district to all of you^_^! Let's Start!

第一站 First Station

Full of special and atmosphere's cafe, do you know what shop is it^_^?

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
就係.... The answer is.......
牧羊少年咖啡.茶.酒館  旅遊主題咖啡室 
The Alchemist Cafe Bistro - Travel theme

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
呢一間 Cafe shop 係以旅遊為主題,所以入面會有好多唔既同旅遊書,同埋間唔中會舉辦旅行講座等活動,所以如果你諗全黎緊去旅行,又諗唔到去邊好,就岩哂你啦^_^!This Cafe shop the theme is travel therefore have a lot of travel book in shop and organizing  some travel seminars to customer. That is very fresh concept in my mind, I highly recommend to you if you want to travel and without any ideas^_^!


地點 Location︰太子白楊街27-29號嘉安大廈地下1號舖                                  
                                              Shop 1, 27-29 Poplar Street, Prince Edward, Ka On Building

營業時間 Operation Time: 星期一至五 Mon to Fri : 11:30-02:00 /
星期六、日及公眾假期   Weekend and public holiday : 11:00-02:00
電話 Phone No. :  2779 0559


唔識去?Google Map 幫到你^_^
You Don't Know how to go? Google Map can help You^_^,heheheh!

第二站 2nd Station
哇!複式既設計,有又後花園既,係邊間Cafe呢? 心心眼呀^_^!
Wow,Penthouse design and have a garden, really really really great!!! You take a guess what shop is it^_^?

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

就係 ..... The Cafe is.....
呼吸咖啡 - 旺角後花園  Full Cup Cafe -  Mong Kong Garden

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
呢間Cafe主要想打造「從呼吸懷舊,到呼吸音樂,再到呼吸雜誌,宣揚生活態度」,命有LIVE Brand,正呀! 話個秘密俾你聽,呢間Cafe有成4層嫁!!!!! 不得了!!!!!!

This Cafe shop is want to create ' Breathing to nostalgia , Breathing to music, Breathing to magazine for promote life attitude. Also have a LIVE Brand, so great! And tell you a secret :-P, This cafe shop have a 4/F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooooo Cool!!!


地點 Location: 旺角登打士街36號恆威商業中心3-7樓
3-7 BSC floor business center, 36 Dundas Street, Mong Kok, 

營業時間 Operation Time: 星期一 至四 Mon to Thu: 15:00-02:00
                                                                          星期五 Fri: 15:00-04:00
                                                                          星期六及公眾假期 Sat and Public Holiday:: 13:00-04:00
                                                                          星期日Sun: 13:00-02:00

電話 Phone No. : 2771 7775
網址 Website: http://www.fullcupcafe.com.hk/

Openrice: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=12537

點去?話你聽啦! How to go?

第三站 Last Station

哈哈,我諗唔洗我講,你地都知道呢間係咩Cafe 啦!
I think you will know this cafe shop without any hints ^_^!

[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
我諗你估岩啦^_^ 就係..... You guess right ?
Charlie Brown Cafe - 尖沙咀Snoopy粉絲朝聖點
[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

我諗唔洗我多介紹啦^_^!呢間Cafe 係以Snoopy為主題^_^,入面仲有相關精品出售,Snoopy
Fans 既你唔可以錯過啦^_^!
This cafe shop the theme is Snoopy^_^, if you a Snoopy fans is must go because have a lot of Snoopy product in there for sales ^_^ HeHe!


地點 Location: 尖沙咀金馬倫道58-60號國鈀大廈地下至1樓
UG-1/F, No. 58-60 palladium Cameron Road, State Building, Tsim Sha Tsui

營業時間 Operation Time: 星期日至四 Sun to Thu: 08:30-23:30 
                                                                            星期五至六Fri to Sat: 08:30-00:30

電話 Phone No. : 2366 6315/ 2366 6325

網址 Website: http://www.charliebrowncafe.com/

Openrice: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=16427

點去?話你聽啦! How to go?

話咁快就介紹完啦!係米仲係好想知更多特色既Cafe呢? 如果想既話就留底你既Comment話俾我知你下星期都知特色Cafe 資訊啦^_^可能有機會再介紹嫁!!!!
If you want know more special cafe shop in next Monday, just leave you comments^_^ Maybe will  write this topic again!^_^


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(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
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District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment
