2014年10月18日 星期六

SPD4459 [Entertainment in Yau Tsim Mong] 打破傳統界限。塗鴉激發創意 * By E-Buddies

spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations今日E-Buddies想帶大家打破傳統界限,玩下一啲你有可能諗過想玩,但最終因為“傳統"既枷鎖而放棄依個念頭- 塗鴉。一講起對塗鴉的印象,大家可能仍然停留在公眾牆壁那些以五顏六色的噴漆圖案,甚至乎覺得個啲所謂藝術只是一班"憤青"在牆壁上亂畫公仔發洩所留下的痕跡。但係經過今日E-Buddies既分享之後,希望你會有所改觀,甚至踏出“唔敢試、了解"既諗法。

Today E-Buddies gonna bring you to break through, how about breaking some traditional chains? Playing something you have thought of, but give it up because of some traditional factors. It should be Graffiti. When E-Buddies ask about the impression of Graffiti, most of us still think that it might be some messy color stay on the wall of the building or even we classify it is a so call “artistic work” made by some anger-teenagers. However we, E-Buddies really want to change your mind after today you have read our blog post, also step out of your thoughts of “no guts to try-understand”.
(spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

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spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations
Apart from some theoretical lessons, there are many skills need to be learnt. Situation is same as oil painting or water-color painting, artistic standard is set to classify a nice graffiti. During the learning process, you are not only enjoying how wonderful it is to be creativity, for sure trains up your own courage simply because in the World of Graffiti, no one will guide your thought or will force you to think in certain patterns, it depends on how you feel at the moment; how brave you think you are.
They are all up to you.(spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations
所以今日E-Buddies誠意推薦Pantone Graffiti工作坊,位於大角咀一工廠大廈,擁有大大的室內空間提供了一個舒適的環境,讓學員可以專心學習當代都市藝術,亦有大量的書籍以及當代都市藝術作品,絕對係學習當代都市藝術的天堂!

So on today’s blog, E-Buddies sincerely present you “Pantone Graffiti”, a graffiti workshop located in one of the industrial buildings in Tai Kok Tsui which has a large comfortable area for learners to practice contemporary urban art, also loads of booklet and artistic pieces are certainly an amazing paradise. 

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最重要係佢地得到該處天台的四幅牆合法使用權,成為全香港唯一一處可以合法噴牆的戶外場地,令到佢地可以舉辦唔同主題既活動,真正將塗鴉文化帶到香港,亦令學生樂在其中,這些就是Pantone C 開工作坊的原意

Most importantly, the workshop organizes different features and topics in relation to Graffiti painting which supported by its legal usage on its roof area in the same building, it also becomes the only place in Hong Kong for Graffiti lovers to express their true mind legally. This is exactly the mission of launching a “Pantone Graffiti” workshop - Truly brings the Graffiti’s culture in Hong Kong as well as to create enjoyments to those learner.(spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong- internet marketing and public relations)

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4個工作坊定期會舉辦既課程,相信總有一個岩你玩既。Bellows are 4 different Urban Art Workshop held regularly, E-Buddies bet there is at least one for your interest.

1) 都市藝術中學課程Urban Art Beginner Course
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2) 都市藝術體驗日 Urban Art Jamming
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3) 都市藝術產品製作Urban Art Product
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4) 街頭藝術深造課程Street Art Course
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SPD4459 E-Buddies 誠意推薦大家去睇下!希望你會踏出“想玩試、了解"既諗法。
We SPD4459 E-Buddies strongly recommend all of you to check this out! Hope you will step out of "Wanna Play; Wanna Try" thought. (SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)

活動詳情 :
T: (852) 3480 7569/(852) 9869 0731
地址: 大角咀櫸樹街15號華源工廠大廈12樓712室(奧柏.御峯對面) – 請乘坐1號客lift


Event detail:
T: (852) 3480 7569/(852) 9869 0731
Address: Unit 712, 11/F Wan Yuen Industrial Building, 
               15 Beech Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Hong Kong (Opposite to Park Summit)

Wish to know more, please visit,

點去?How to go?


想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 facebook:

Want more know us in detail? Go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

SPD4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong
