SPD4459 E-Buddies為你既星期一又有好介紹!Woooo, 係米好心急呢? 唔講太多廢話,即刻去圖介紹^_^! 所有相都係小篇自己去影嫁^_^! 記得多多支持!
SPD4459 E-Buddies has great entertainment suggest to all of you! Woooo, you want to know what is that? Ok! Let start! ^_^ ( All photos are 100% my own shooting - E-Buddies ^_^) (SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Do you know where is it?
無錯啦!就係朗豪坊! 係門口已經有大大張 Sanrio Banner,好搶眼呀!
我諗大家都估到我想介紹D咩啦! Sanrio 既朋友仔又黎到朗豪坊啦!
我諗大家都估到我想介紹D咩啦! Sanrio 既朋友仔又黎到朗豪坊啦!
Bingo! LangHamPlace!Super big Sanrio banner in front door! So attractive!
Today, I want to suggest the great entertainment which is Sanrio buddies comes LanHan Place again!
Hey girl & boy,
Remember don't miss this can chance in order to meet Sanrio buddies&visual entertainment!
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)Remember don't miss this can chance in order to meet Sanrio buddies&visual entertainment!
Many promotion about Sanrio buddies in G/F ! So lovely!
重點推介Highlights: Little Twim Stars Pop-Up Cafe
Really great visual entertainment outside the cafe!
Ground covered with star stickers, very cool!
Have two enter, very good!
Have two enter, very good!
餐單 Dinner Set小篇就無去試食啦!事關唔太鐘意Little Twin Stars :-PI didn't go in to eat because I don't like Little Twin Stars :-P
有唔同既Sanrio 朋友仔可以影相,好得意呀!
Have different Sanrio Buddies can take photos with them! So cuteeeeeeeee!
Have different Sanrio Buddies can take photos with them! So cuteeeeeeeee!
同場加映: 係7樓既 4DX 影院就黎開幕啦!
Highlights: 4DX Cinema in 4/F is coming soon!
Yeah! We will have another entertainment!
地點 Location︰朗讀坊 LangHam Place 10/F
時間 Time︰01/09/2014 - 31/10/2014
網址 Website︰http://www.langhamplace.com.hk/tc/
點去嫁?How to go?
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations /
Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 的facebook:
Want more detail? go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong
SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment / E-Buddies