2014年10月4日 星期六

SPD4459 [Entertainment]「十日.一同.社會創新」十日節 (上集) * By E-Buddies

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

Hong Kong, seems to be related to “Cultural desert” when it comes to discuss about artistic values or cultural background. Does it really induce by our “cultural emptiness” or actually it is reflected there is lack of enough expression space for sharing our feelings and ideas? I would rather believe that if there are continually having a group of enthusiastic artists who are insisted on chasing their dreams and hopes, just like the event I am going to introduce later, letting us getting know more about the universal values through lots of themes and interactive workshop; at the same time, it brings us a chance to walk and share while relaxing your daily stresses, I count this would be a fascinating activity to join in. 〔SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)〕

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)
「十日節」是由香港理工大學及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金支持下的“理大賽馬會社會創新設計院 (J.C.DISI) ”致力舉辦為期十天的社會創新節,並將於理大的賽馬會創新樓舉行,活動包括一連串有意義亦生動有趣的展覽、音樂會、電影、演講、工作坊等。
“10 DAYS FEST” is a 10-day Social Innovation Festival which is organized by the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (J.C.DISI), supported by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The event will take place in the Jockey Club Innovation Tower at PolyU and feature a series of meaningful exhibitions, concerts, movies, seminars and workshops. 〔SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)〕

10DAYFEST features a permanent theme of “design and society”, through this interesting event, public will not only have the opportunity to learn from the experts on what social innovation is, but also to make some handcrafts using reusable wastes while to co-create and share mutual thoughts with local and international designers, thought leaders, activists and researchers all striving for new perspectives. No matter how much you know about “Social Innovation” before the event, I am pretty sure you must find your own interest among all types of events held day by days.

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)
On this Saturday, let me present you 3 of the most eye-catching events, and next week I will report back and keep updating the other 3 events just for your holiday planning.=]

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

        不完美的食材變成一流晚宴 ! [9 OCT 17:30 - 20:00]
1) Festival Vernissage: Social Gastronomy:
 Designing inglorious ingredients into a glorious feast [9 OCT 17:30 - 20:00]
Event invites celebrity chefs along with members of grassroots groups will demonstrate how “less-than-perfect” ingredients can be transformed into a “more than perfect” feast for social good. The opening shows how a simple kitchens add up a new feature for social innovation: together to edeliver "reduce food waste, eat well" concept, and educate people on how to fight resources inequity.

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

2)慈善跑實現「零愛滋世代」[10 & 12 OCT 10:00 - 20:00]
2) UNICEF Charity Run towards an AIDS-free Generation
 “Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS” is a global fundraising campaign organized by UNICEF’ aiming to provide for all necessary aids, including medical treatment doses for pregnant women living in HIV, which effectively control the virus and prevent it from being passed onto infants.

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

3)十日‧高峰會 [12 OCT 14:00 - 17:00]
3) The Happy Summit [12 OCT 14:00 - 17:00]
Design and creative stars of tomorrow, all nominated by global leaders in social innovation, share their portfolios at the Happy Summit. Through the conversation by listen to their stories, you will learn about their passion and meanings through design is a very achievable dream.〔SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)〕

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

活動詳情 :

日期:1010 1019 (星期五至日) (連續十天)
地點:香港理工大學 賽馬會創新樓


Event Detail:

Date: Oct 10 to Oct 19 (Fri to Sun) (Total 10 Days)
Venue: Jockey Club Innovation Tower,
          Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Wish to know more, please visit.

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Want more detail? go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong


SPD4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations

District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong
