In today’s blog post, E-Buddies would like to introduce you one more artistic event because we always consider the entertainment and happiness bought by art are definitely in a different way beyond others, like eating yummy food or watching a great movie, it is a more high-level enjoyment. Although most of us might not understand well, getting to feel and explore Hong Kong through art and gather friends together to entertain yourselves are the best way to express your unlimited creativity and living.
亦因為咁,E-Buddies好想推介唔同既娛樂活動俾大家,所以今日亦唔例外。"自由野",相信大部分人都有聽過依個名,但你又去過未呢?依個屬於香港最創新的戶外藝術節「自由野」,將會在11月一連兩天透過戶外藝術節中與藝術家零距離互動 今年既活動除左繼續以往既成功-"舉辦一連串本地與海外既精湛節目"外,仲加入左"觀眾參與"的重要原素,等你除左同好友分享,欣賞表演外,仲可以有得"揀",多左積極投入,甚至可以有親身表演既體驗,令你係今年得到既係前所未有的「自由野」。
That is also the reason why E-Buddies intentionally wish to introduce more and more including for today. FREESPACE FEST, you might already heard about it before, however have you been there before? This two-day outdoor festival that packed is a place where artists and audiences can meet and you can truly witness the friendliness and passion that we love about the city. In this year, they have added up a new theme “Personal involvement “. Ensuring people who join there can be eaily found out how they can be part of the action!
It is necessary to choose a place with relaxing feeling and endless space, that’s why the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade made the job done where variety of activities located around the regions, day-and-night elements will bring you delightful experience and it is absolutely a high quality entertaining event.
In today, E-Buddies will first report 2 activities; the remaining will then be introduced next week, so that you will not forget to keep an eye on it, right?
1) 形體劇場Physical Theatre |
簡約空間A Simple Space
11月22& 23日(星期六) 晚上7時 - 晚上8時,競技場
22 &23 Nov (Sat) 7pm-8pm, Arena
與其在周末躲在家中看天才表演真人秀,倒不如親歷其境近距離欣賞瘋狂有趣的表演。澳洲劇團Gravity & Other Myths將登陸香港,為觀眾帶來他們哄動全球、挑戰物理極限的雜技演出《簡約空間》 。
Australia’s coolest ensemble, Gravity & Other Myths,present their acrobatic show ‘A Simple Space’ after wowing audiences around the world, they will wow you too as they push themselves to their physical limits and beyond!It must be one of the most amazing acrobatic acts you’ve ever seen with body drumming, human skipping ropes.
台上沒有華麗佈景,只有幾個屏息以待的演員——他們使出渾身解數,展示身體敲擊、人體跳繩、高速空中翻騰、空中拋人等高難度動作,要觀眾看得熱血沸騰!在演出期間,你們可以把手上的七彩塑膠球拋向正在做倒立的雜技演員,挑戰他們的能耐; 你更有機會被邀請躺在地上,以不同角度欣賞這場熾熱的雜技演出。
These acrobats are very competitive! During this captivating show, they will hand out colourful plastic balls to you and invite you to throw them back on stage where a hand-stand competition is underway, or invite you to lie beneath them as they leap from one pair of boys to another landing in a handstand.
2) 文本藝術 | Literary Arts
字在自由 | Freedom Writers!
文字與聲音在日常生活中被重覆使用,漸變陳腔濫調。何不以詩歌自由的力量,打破條條框框,讓字句與音符撞擊出新的可能。一起探索文字與聲音之間廣闊的可能性,拉近你與詩的距離,帶你體驗字在的自由。Join us as we celebrate the wonder of the written and spoken word with leading poets, authors and theatre directors. This is your opportunity to explore the possibilities of literature and meet literary-minded people.
Playful Cantonese Poetry Poetry Out Loud
11月22&23日(星期六)下午2時 - 4時30分
22 Nov (Sat) 2pm-4:30pm, Behind Covered Deck
♫♫ 我們是快樂的好兒童,我們天天一起唱詩 ♫♫
不管大聲唱還是細聲唸,能打動人心的就是好詩。在「大聲細聲粵語詩」上,小孩大人齊齊來唸詩,以詩/歌會友; 而一班創意無限的小朋友亦將在「細聲粵語詩歌音樂會」中化身小詩人,唸自己創作的童詩。
游擊文字行動| Literary Ambush
11月22&23日(星期六)下午2時 - 7時,游擊
22&23 Nov (Sat) 2pm-7pm, Roving
Change your perception of words and refresh your creativity in a fun way! Stay alert and beware of our Literary Ambush which guarantees to bring you lots of joy with different literary games.
日期:22-23. 11.2014 (六&日)
時間:上午11時至晚上11時(六) / 上午11時至晚上10時 (日)
Festival Information
Date: 22-23 November 2014 (Saturday-Sunday)
Time: 11am - 11pm (22 Nov)/ 11am - 10pm (23 Nov)
Venue: West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade
Website: http://www.westkowloon.hk/en/FreespaceFest2014/
台上沒有華麗佈景,只有幾個屏息以待的演員——他們使出渾身解數,展示身體敲擊、人體跳繩、高速空中翻騰、空中拋人等高難度動作,要觀眾看得熱血沸騰!在演出期間,你們可以把手上的七彩塑膠球拋向正在做倒立的雜技演員,挑戰他們的能耐; 你更有機會被邀請躺在地上,以不同角度欣賞這場熾熱的雜技演出。
These acrobats are very competitive! During this captivating show, they will hand out colourful plastic balls to you and invite you to throw them back on stage where a hand-stand competition is underway, or invite you to lie beneath them as they leap from one pair of boys to another landing in a handstand.
2) 文本藝術 | Literary Arts
字在自由 | Freedom Writers!
文字與聲音在日常生活中被重覆使用,漸變陳腔濫調。何不以詩歌自由的力量,打破條條框框,讓字句與音符撞擊出新的可能。一起探索文字與聲音之間廣闊的可能性,拉近你與詩的距離,帶你體驗字在的自由。Join us as we celebrate the wonder of the written and spoken word with leading poets, authors and theatre directors. This is your opportunity to explore the possibilities of literature and meet literary-minded people.
Playful Cantonese Poetry Poetry Out Loud
11月22&23日(星期六)下午2時 - 4時30分
22 Nov (Sat) 2pm-4:30pm, Behind Covered Deck
♫♫ 我們是快樂的好兒童,我們天天一起唱詩 ♫♫
不管大聲唱還是細聲唸,能打動人心的就是好詩。在「大聲細聲粵語詩」上,小孩大人齊齊來唸詩,以詩/歌會友; 而一班創意無限的小朋友亦將在「細聲粵語詩歌音樂會」中化身小詩人,唸自己創作的童詩。

11月22&23日(星期六)下午2時 - 7時,游擊
22&23 Nov (Sat) 2pm-7pm, Roving
Change your perception of words and refresh your creativity in a fun way! Stay alert and beware of our Literary Ambush which guarantees to bring you lots of joy with different literary games.
日期:22-23. 11.2014 (六&日)
時間:上午11時至晚上11時(六) / 上午11時至晚上10時 (日)
Festival Information
Date: 22-23 November 2014 (Saturday-Sunday)
Time: 11am - 11pm (22 Nov)/ 11am - 10pm (23 Nov)
Venue: West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade
Website: http://www.westkowloon.hk/en/FreespaceFest2014/
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(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
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Edited by Szeto Yuen Man (SPD4459 E-Buddies)[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
Edited by Szeto Yuen Man (SPD4459 E-Buddies)[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]
SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment
(SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations / Yau Tsim Mong District / Entertainment / E-Buddies)
---SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment